Data 4 All

24 Data Literacy with Valerie Logan

Charlie Yielding and Charlie Apigian

Charlie and Charlie welcome Valerie Logan, Founder and CEO of the Data Lodge, to discuss data literacy.  She explains the three main concepts for data literacy: mindset,   language, and skills and how this translates into your everyday life life as well into an organization's data dependent culture.  We also experienced a wasp hijacking (you have to watch the video), a power outage, and a few other Charlie-related blunders which made for a fun episode.  

About Valerie Logan

Having founded The Data Lodge in 2019, Valerie is as committed to fostering data
literacy as it gets.  An original nerdy, shy math girl from the Adirondack Mountains,
Valerie found her voice through a career of solving problems with data, and often being
called upon as a translator between business, data and analytics folks. Through this
translation, she realized that she was actually speaking an unnamed language, which
she coined Information as a Second Language® (or ISL).  With a career in consulting
and research across decades and industries, it is her current role cracking the data-
driven culture code that is most fulfilling.  When not welcoming people to her virtual
home at The Data Lodge, Valerie can be found with her hubby Brian either at their
home in Sarasota, FL, or up at the Lodge in the Summers in the Adirondacks- playing
Scrabble, chasing their lab Cooper, or having great conversations with friends on the
screened porch.

Valerie Logan's Links

Data 4 All Social Media Links

Charlie Yielding Media Links 

Charlie Apigian Media Links

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